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What is the Project Management Approach and its benefits?


Project Management Approach

Effective project management approaches are essential for success. A well-defined and disciplined project management approach may contribute to delivering projects on time, within budget, and to stakeholders’ satisfaction. Nevertheless, what are the different project management approaches that exist and what benefits do they reap?

So, let’s explore the world of project management and unlock the keys to successful project delivery!

What is the Project Management Approach?

An organized project management approach plans, implements, monitors, and controls a project from start to finish. Teams, project managers, and stakeholders can use project management principles, strategies, and tools to manage projects effectively. Furthermore, it provides a project management framework for planning, managing, and delivering projects on time, within budget, and successfully.

The project management approach can improve productivity and streamline processes while also benefiting your career. Project management experts, such as those who have earned the PMP certification, frequently have more fantastic work opportunities, higher salaries, and more promising futures in their careers.

Therefore, for successfully directing projects over their whole lifecycle, project management methodologies are essential.  Well-managed, well-organized, and well-communicated, which leads to cost savings, happy stakeholders, and the production of high-quality project deliverables contribute greatly to project success.

Understanding Project Management Approach

A. Core Concepts of Project Management

1. What is a Project?

Managing projects means managing transient, one-of-a-kind undertakings with specific goals. In order to better understand this definition, let’s look at it in more detail:

  • Temporary Nature – Projects have a clear beginning and end. They are not ongoing operations but have a defined lifecycle. Whether for any cause, the project achieves its goals when finished. Additionally, this temporary nature distinguishes projects from regular, ongoing business activities.
  • Uniqueness – Every project is distinct and unique. It involves activities, requirements, and constraints that are unlike those of previous projects or routine operations. Moreover, this uniqueness often demands tailored solutions, approaches, and strategies.
  • Objective-Driven – Projects are initiated to achieve specific, well-defined objectives or deliverables. These goals can include producing software, building a structure, starting a marketing initiative, or planning an event, among many other things. Consequently, the project’s goal is to achieve these objectives.
  • Resource Allocation – Allocating a range of resources, such as time, cash, tools, and people, is a necessary part of every project.
  • Constraints – Projects frequently have limitations in terms of time, money, and scope. Additionally, Project managers must navigate these constraints effectively to achieve project goals while meeting stakeholder expectations.

2. Key Objectives

In project management, we use the term “key objectives” to describe the major goals that a project aims to achieve. These objectives provide a clear and measurable definition of what success means for the project. They should be SMART, which stands for:

  • Specific – Objectives should be precise and unambiguous, clearly defining what needs to be accomplished.
  • Measurable – There should be criteria to measure progress and determine when the objective is met.
  • Achievable – Objectives should be realistic and attainable, given the project’s resources and constraints.
  • Relevant – Objectives should align with the project’s purpose and be pertinent to the organization’s goals.
  • Time-Bound – Objectives should have a specified timeframe or deadline for accomplishment.

Key objectives typically encompass various aspects of the project, such as:

  • Scope – The project scope management defines what is included and what is excluded. It outlines the features, functions, and deliverables that the project will produce.
  • Time – Projects have schedules with defined start and end dates. Moreover, meeting project deadlines is crucial to ensure that objectives are achieved within the required timeframe.
  • Cost – Managing project costs is essential to ensure the project stays within budget. It involves estimating, budgeting, and tracking expenses.
  • Stakeholder Expectations – Meeting the expectations and requirements of project stakeholders, including customers, sponsors, and team members, is a fundamental objective.
  • Risk Management – Project risk management aims to identify potential issues that could impact the project and develop strategies to mitigate or respond to them.

Thus, an efficient project management plan is to be created, executed, and controlled, by comprehension of these fundamental project management principles.

The benefits of a Structured Approach

1. Improved Efficiency

Implementing a structured approach in project management offers several benefits related to improved efficiency, such as:

  • Optimized Resource Allocation – By clearly defining project roles, responsibilities, and workflows, a structured approach helps ensure that resources, including human resources, time, and budget, are allocated efficiently. Moreover, this minimizes resource wastage and maximizes productivity.
  • Effective Time Management – Structured approaches often involve creating detailed project schedules, allowing better time management. Arranging tasks logically allows project managers to pinpoint critical paths, which, in turn, enables the meeting of deadlines and the prevention of unnecessary delays.
  • Minimized Redundancy – Clear processes and procedures reduce redundancy and rework. Team members proactively reduce the need for task redoing caused by misunderstandings or mistakes by understanding their expectations.
  • Streamlined Processes – Structured approaches often incorporate project management best practices and standardized procedures for a project management course. Moreover, this streamlines project processes, making them more predictable and repeatable, enhancing efficiency.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making – With structured project management, data, and metrics are collected and analyzed at various stages. Furthermore, this data-driven approach enables project managers to make informed decisions, identify bottlenecks, and implement improvements.

2. Enhanced Communication

Effective communication is a cornerstone of a successful project, and structured approaches promote enhanced communication in several ways, such as:

  • Clear Roles and Responsibilities – Team members have well-defined roles and responsibilities, reducing confusion and ensuring that everyone understands their part in the project.
  • Regular Reporting – Structured approaches often include regular status reporting, informing stakeholders about the project’s progress, issues, and achievements.
  • Stakeholder Engagement – Structured approaches emphasize stakeholder involvement. This active involvement ensures that all pertinent stakeholders, such as clients, sponsors, and team members, actively engage and have a platform to articulate their demands and concerns.
  • Documentation – Structured approaches necessitate thorough documentation of project-related information, which serves as a reference point for all stakeholders, aiding in understanding project history, decisions, and future direction.
  • Issue Resolution – In a structured environment, issues and conflicts are addressed promptly and collaboratively. It prevents communication breakdowns from escalating into major problems.

3. Risk Mitigation

The following are some superior risk management techniques that are part of structured project management approaches:

  • Risk Identification – These approaches typically include processes for identifying potential risks early in the project. By recognizing risks at the outset, project managers can develop strategies to address them.
  • Risk Assessment – Structured approaches involve assessing the likelihood and impact of identified risks. Moreover, this helps prioritize which threats to focus on and allocate resources for mitigation.
  • Risk Response Planning – Project managers create plans for managing and responding to risks. Also, a proactive approach reduces the negative impact of risks if they materialize.
  • Continuous Monitoring – Risks are continually monitored throughout the project’s lifecycle, allowing for immediate responses if new risks emerge or existing ones change.
  • Contingency Planning – Structured approaches often include contingency plans that outline steps to take if specific high-impact risks occur. This ensures a well-prepared response.

4. Quality Assurance

Structured project management approaches place a strong emphasis on maintaining quality throughout the project, such as:

  • Quality Standards – Clear quality standards and criteria are established, ensuring project deliverables meet or exceed these standards. Additionally, this results in a higher level of satisfaction among stakeholders.
  • Quality Control – Structured approaches incorporate processes for inspecting and verifying project work. Also, a proactive approach identifies defects or deviations from quality standards, allowing for corrections before they become significant issues.
  • Documentation of Best Practices – By following a structured approach, organizations can document best practices and lessons learned. Future initiatives could use this information, helping to promote a culture of quality improvement and continual development.
  • Client Satisfaction – Consistently delivering high-quality work through structured project management enhances client and stakeholder satisfaction, as their expectations are met or exceeded.

Therefore, adopting a structured project management approach offers multiple benefits, including improved efficiency through resource optimization and streamlined processes, enhanced communication and collaboration, effective risk mitigation, and a focus on quality assurance. Furthermore, these advantages contribute to completing projects, meeting stakeholder expectations, and delivering value to organizations.

Various Project Management Approaches

A. Traditional Project Management

Traditional project management, or the Waterfall approach, encompasses several well-established methodologies and techniques. Within this framework, two significant methods are the Waterfall Methodology and the Critical Path Method (CPM):

1. Waterfall Methodology

The PMP Waterfall Methodology is a sequential and linear project management approach. Each stage builds on the one before it, characterizing it as a linear, systematic, step-by-step process. The major components of the waterfall methodology are as follows: 

  • Phases – Projects are divided into distinct stages: requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
  • Sequential Execution – Activities within each phase are executed sequentially. Before moving on to the next stage, the previous one must be finished.
  • Rigidity – The PMP Waterfall approach is often considered less flexible because changes to requirements or scope can be challenging to accommodate once a phase has begun.
  • Documentation – Extensive documentation is a hallmark of the Waterfall approach. Carefully document plans, requirements, and design standards.
  • Quality Assurance – Quality control is emphasized at each phase, helping to ensure high-quality deliverables.
  • Suitability – The PMP Waterfall Methodology best suits projects with well-defined and stable requirements, such as construction projects or manufacturing processes.

2. Critical Path Method (CPM)

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project scheduling and management technique used within the traditional project management framework. It is vital for managing complex and time-sensitive projects. The key elements of CPM include:

  • Network of Activities – CPM involves breaking down the project into a network of activities, each having defined start and finish times.
  • Critical Path – The critical path is the most extended sequence of activities determining the shortest time the project can be completed. 
  • Slack Time – Non-critical activities have slack time, which can be delayed without affecting the project’s overall duration.
  • Dependency Management – CPM relies on understanding dependencies between activities and determining which actions must be completed before others can begin.
  • Resource Allocation – CPM aids in resource allocation by identifying resource constraints and facilitating resource-leveling.
  • Progress Tracking – It enables project progress tracking, allowing project managers to identify delays and make adjustments to keep the project on track.

Well-established PMP Waterfall Methodology and the Critical Path Method, are successful for projects such as with solid, clear requirements, and traditional project management techniques.

However, they may need to be more adaptable to changing circumstances or evolving project needs, which has led to more flexible project management approaches like Agile and hybrid project management in recent years.

B. Agile Project Management

Agile project management is a modern, flexible approach emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and iterative development. In addition, the two popular methods within the Agile framework are Scrum and Kanban:

1. Scrum

Scrum emphasizes teamwork, communication, and iterative progress, making it a widely used Agile framework. These key characteristics apply to the elements listed below:

  • Sprints – Projects are divided into short, time-boxed iterations called “sprints,” typically lasting 2-4 weeks. Each sprint results in a potentially shippable product increment.
  • Roles – Scrum defines specific functions, including the Product Owner (responsible for product vision and prioritization), Scrum Master (responsible for facilitating the Scrum process), and the Development Team (responsible for product development).
  • Artifacts – Scrum employs artifacts like the Product Backlog (a prioritized list of features and requirements), the Sprint Backlog (tasks to be completed within the sprint), and the Increment (the working product at the end of the sprint).
  • Daily Stand-ups – Meetings are held to ensure team members are aligned, share progress, and identify obstacles.
  • Iterative Improvement – Scrum encourages teams to inspect and adapt, making adjustments based on feedback at the end of each sprint.

For those who require ongoing stakeholder feedback and those whose needs change particularly for complex projects, Scrum works well.

2. Kanban

Another Agile approach focused on visualizing work, managing flow, and limiting work in progress (WIP) is Kanban. The following key features of Kanban include:

  • Visual Boards – Work is visualized on a Kanban board with columns representing different workflow stages (e.g., to-do, in progress, done).
  • Work Items – Individual tasks or work items are represented as cards on the Kanban board. Additionally, each card moves through the columns as work progresses.
  • WIP Limits – WIP limits are set for each column to prevent overloading team members and maintain a steady workflow. Moreover, these limits encourage teams to finish work before starting new tasks.
  • Continuous Improvement – Kanban emphasizes incremental process improvement. Also, teams regularly review their processes and adjust to enhance efficiency and quality.
  • Pull System – Work is pulled into the system based on team capacity rather than pushed onto team members. Also, it helps prevent bottlenecks and promotes a smoother workflow.

Therefore, Kanban is particularly effective for teams with a constant flow of incoming work, such as support teams, software maintenance, and manufacturing processes.

Scrum and Kanban are highly adaptable, allowing teams to respond to changing requirements and deliver value incrementally. They encourage collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement, making them popular choices in today’s dynamic project management landscape. They encourage collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement, making them popular choices today.


By embracing these discussed project management approaches, businesses can expect better project outcomes and a more strategic and competitive edge in their respective industries. When complemented with PMP online certification training, the project management approach equips professionals with the skills and knowledge to manage projects effectively. Its benefits span from improved project efficiency and communication to enhanced adaptability and cost control. See you in our next guide!

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