
Renew your PMI Certification!

Our expert always believes that earning PDUs and maintaining your Project Management® Course Certificate is one of the easiest jobs as compared to passing the PM® course exam. PMI wants you to be active on your PM® credentials and gives you plenty of options to earn PDUs (Professional Development Units) to maintain the PM® Course certificate.

What are the different ways to earn PDU’s?

PS: For all PMI certifications except the CAPM®, you’ll need to follow the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program and earn professional development units (PDUs.) The goal is to ensure that your certified competencies stay relevant and up-to-date.


1. Attending Webinars
2. Hosting a Webinar
One of the free-ways to earn PDUs is to attend & host our free webinars
Webinar Calendar

Content Creation

Also, you can earn PDUs by creating content. We, at ProThoughts, a PMI-USA registered gives you an opportunity to write content and articles on project management and provide a platform to be published. Write to if you are keen to contribute and earn PDUs.
Contact Us

Read – E-books & Blogs

Reading E-books is the other way to earn PDUs – you learn more about the things in project management and you can earn the PDUs.
The most important thing to note here that you can earn all of your PDUs using ‘Read’ category.
Read Blogs

PMI Courses & Certifications

Also, we have provided different online courses and paid courses for aspirants and ProThoughts members where they can learn or refresh newer things in the project management space. You can also register for newer certifications and courses, and get yourself registered for these courses and earn your PDUs.
ProThoughts Elearning

How to Maintain Multiple PMI® Certifications?

Educational PDUs: 

  • Leadership and Strategic & Business Management PDUs Apply Across All Certifications-  Since leadership and strategic & business management concepts are broader educational topics and not specific to any one certification domain area, the PDUs claimed in these education areas can be applied across all certifications. For example, if you attend a course that awards two leadership PDUs, you will be able to count them towards every certification you hold.
  • Technical PDUs Can Apply to Multiple Certifications – Education around technical skills is specific to each certification domain area (e.g., the technical skills needed to perform program management are different than those for business analysis). However, certain technical topics are applicable to multiple certification domain areas. If an educational activity contains technical content that is applicable to multiple certifications, then technical PDUs can be claimed for all relevant certifications. The number of PDUs claimed should be equivalent to the amount of time spent on those specific technical topics.

Additionally, all technical PDUs earned will be counted towards the maintenance of the PMP certification.

Giving Back to the Profession PDUs

  • Giving Back PDUs Apply Across All Certification - Since giving back to the professional activities are more broadly applicable, the PDUs claimed through these activities can be applied across all certifications. As an example, if you claim 2 PDUs for volunteering at a PMI® event, you may count them towards every certification you hold.

Still confused then read What are the different ways to Earn PMI- PDUs?

You can contact ProThoughts experts for consulting about claiming and maintaining PDU’s at +91-8422907604 or email us at

How to Report PMI®- PDUs for Project Management Certifications?

You are now familiar with how to earn the PDUs. That was easy, isn’t it? Now the next step – How to Report on the PDUs?

You are responsible for recording your PDU activities as they occur. The most efficient way to record PDUs is by using CCRS. You must record your PDUs and complete the renewal process before your CCR cycle ends to maintain an active certification status. If you do not earn and record the required PDUs within your CCR cycle, your certification will be suspended.

The day you pass a PMI certification, e.g., PMP® your CCR cycle begins and is valid for 3 years time…

To Earn PDUs from ProThoughts Webinars you can use the following steps.

  • STEP 1
  • STEP 2
  • STEP 3
  • STEP 4
  • STEP 5

Login to CCRS

Click here:

Put your username & password the same as your PMI Credentials.

Once you are inside the dashboard. Click on the PDUS tab on the bar and then click on Report PDUs.


Once you are on Report PDUs page, you will see 2 different sections with multiple activities. Education & giving back. You just have to click on the PDU activity which you participated in. (eg. webinars, blogs, content creation)


Once clicked on the activity you have to fill in the details

for eg: 


Once the information is filled, just click on submit and it will go on a review. You will get an email from PMI with the confirmation of the PDU.


  • STEP 1
  • STEP 2
  • STEP 3
  • STEP 4
  • STEP 5

Login to CCRS

Click here:

Put your username & password the same as your PMI Credentials.

Once you are inside the dashboard. Click on the PDUS tab on the bar and then click on Report PDUs.

Once you are on Report PDUs page, you will see 2 different sections with multiple activities. Education & giving back. You just have to click on the PDU activity which you participated in. (eg. webinars, blogs, content creation)


Once clicked on the activity you have to fill in the details

for eg: 


Once the information is filled, just click on submit and it will go on a review. You will get an email from PMI with the confirmation of the PDU.


Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions for project management certified holders:

What are PDUs?

PDUs stands for Professional Development Units. PDUs are the measuring unit used to quantify your professional development as part of the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program. 1 PDU = 1 hour of learning/activity.

Sometimes, you can also earn a fraction – the smallest unit is 0,25 PDUs for 15 mins of activity.

Can I still earn Education PDUs the same way I used to?
Can I claim PDUs for a single Education activity in more than one skill area of the PMI Talent Triangle?
Can I transfer PDUs to my next cycle?
When is the earliest I can start earning PDUs after I earn a certification?
When reporting PDU activities, is any supporting documentation required?
Do I need a special username or password to use CCRS?
I still need some information on reporting PDUS