To apply for PMP® Certification you must need the educational and experiential requirements:

More than 1 million people globally hold a PMP Certification. The industry of project management has had the fastest expansion and recognition. Project managers with PMI certificates are increasingly in demand by companies. When candidates clear challenging exams designed to evaluate their competence in managing projects, the PMI (Project Management Institute) awards them the PMP certification, a highly recognized credential.

You must meet the following educational and work experience requirements in order to apply for PMP® Certification:

  • The applicant must have completed a bachelor's degree at the time of application and have completed at least 4,500 hours of project management.
  • If the candidate holds a secondary degree (high school diploma, associate's degree, or the global equivalent ), then a minimum of 7,500 hours of a project leading and directing experience is necessary.
  • Candidates must indicate at least 36 unique (non-overlapping) months of project management experience on the Experience Verification Form(s) to satisfy the three-year requirement.
  • Applicants who wish to take the PMP® Certification Exam must provide proof that they have completed at least 35 hours of project management training.
  • Applicants will be required to list the names of the institutions, dates, and hours of each project management class they have taken.

PMP® application form processing time:

The Project Management Professional (PMP)® application evaluation procedure takes 5 days for online PMP® forms, 10 days for forms in paper forms submitted by individuals, and 20 days for PMP® paper forms submitted by corporations.

Getting PMP® certified

Candidates must submit an application online or obtain a printable application form from in order to sit for PMP Exam. When PMI® approves a candidate's application, they have 90 days to submit PMI® audit materials, including supporting documents. After submitting documents applicant can attend the exam. Within a few days, the name of the successful candidates is posted on the PMI® website. You may receive the PMP® credential within 4 weeks.

Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification Exam

The PMI® Institute supervises and regulates the PMP® exam. For professionals to take the PMP® test, 35 hours of professional training are required. The PMP® exam costs $655 for non-members and $405 for PMI® members. For PMI® members and non-members, the Re-Examination price is ₹15,929 & ₹28,961, respectively.

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