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How did I achieve my PMP Certification after two failed attempts?

Achieve my PMP Certification

“The best feeling is when you receive a post from the USA with your name saying.”

The first thing to achieve in life is – Passion towards achieving a goal. I had a passion for doing PMP from the year 2017 when my colleague told me about PMP. Finally, I and my friend came to know about institute ProThoughts in Pune. We met Mr. Arvind 1st time in his Magarpatta office for batches available in Pro-thoughts. And booked our batch in Sep-17 for 2 weekends at Hotel Orbett, Pune.

 To appear for the PMP exam, the candidate should compulsorily attend 35hrs workshop by the accredited institute, as while filling the PMP exam form they ask for the code of institute. The sessions were well organized with case studies, games, Mindmaps, etc. Books given for reference were Rita Mulcahy, Mindmaps by ProThoughts, Case studies, etc.

After the 1st week of class, I utilized my time in reading concepts from Rita Mulcahy for chapters covered in class after my office hours. It helped me to grasp the tools and techniques, process, topics we learned that week. After completion of the 2nd week, the main task was reading Rita Mulcahy book twice. Then reading PMBOK at least once. I had prepared my own notes and pasted 47 process chart by Ricardo on my walls for an everyday glance at home before sleep. I practiced ITTO for all 47 processes and read Mindmaps given by ProThoughts and understood why these are inputs, tools, and techniques.

Image Source: Google

The mock tests given by ProThoughts were useful as we could get results with all process score distributed and why the answer was wrong. My scores were bad for 3 mock exams and Mr. Arvind had warned me to score above 80% for all process to pass PMP exam. I took my first exam on 16th Jan, 19 at Mumbai Pro metric center after I scored 69% in my last mock. I knew all ITTO, process, question types but still, my 1st attempt was not successful. Exam center is again a dramatic scene where you can take only your ID card and not even napkin or eraser with you. There is a long silence in the room of Pro-metric and you have 4hrs to sit in front of the computer. Questions start popping after 15mins of guidelines, read properly by the candidate. 4 sheets of Rough paper are given and no extra sheet is given till you submit the old ones. The online test is beneficiary as the score is known in few minutes and you can review questions from 1-200.

After the 1st attempt, I met Mr. Arvind and got guidance about where things went wrong and again appeared for the exam on 20th Feb, 19. This time I had prepared with more 10 mocks from the book Mr. Mohit Arora, Online links from Arvind sir. But again for 1 process I scored less than average and could not clear my exam.

Now my last attempt was left and the syllabus was changing after 26th March, 19. So I appeared on 19th March, 19 at the Ahmedabad center. Till now I had gone through again where I scored less, my weak areas, questions which confuse at the exam.

And this time it was Bang-Bang and I cleared the exam with an above average score.

After clearing the exam, I got an offer in just 2 months as a Program Manager with a huge hike. I would like to thank my friend Akash Dixit who started PMP certification studies with me, thank Mr. Arvind Nahata for support and my mentor Mr. Rajiv Upadhay for clearing my PMP certification. “The best feeling is when you receive a post from the USA with your name saying.”

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