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This act describes the first jitters that our on-screen action hero experiences as he embarks on his quest for PMP glory. His eligibility and integrity are questioned from the start! He cringes with the knowledge that his PMP application and, later, his PMP Status, can be audited at any time. He knows that the audit selection process is completely random with no means of knowing who will be screened and at what stage; though chances of him being audited drastically drop after certification.

Well, our hero knows that the prospect of having his PMP application audited is the least of his worries! He has filled the application truthfully by first ensuring that he meets the eligibility criteria and is relaxed that he shall be getting his application cleared (audit or not).

Plus, he has associated himself with Prothoughts for gathering the ammunition for the PMP 41Wb96N-kuL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_exam and knows that ProThoughts handholds their candidates till they get PMP certified. In the case of audits, they have applications templates which help to fill the application and also the institute has connected with certified PMPs who have successfully passed the audits, besides having expert counsellors to guide the aspirants.

Just remember that one of the ways that PMI ensures the integrity of the PMP certification is by auditing applicants as well as certified project management professionals throughout their programs. Honesty hence is the best policy!

The audit consists of the following requirements:

 Verifying Project Management Experience: A manager, supervisor, or colleague (called the referee) who has first-hand knowledge of the experience mentioned in the application is required to review and then complete the Project Management Experience Audit Report. Check: it should be the person/ manager whose name has been filled in the application form. Also, this has to be done for the projects where the query has been raised. After the referee completes the form, he/she is required to place the Project Management Experience Audit Report in an envelope, sign his/her name over the sealed flap of the envelope, and return the envelope to the applicant in person or by postal mail. The applicant shall be required to further courier it to PMI. PMI will not accept faxed or scanned forms. No substitutions or incomplete submissions are accepted.

 Verifying 35 Contact Hours of Project Management Education: Applicants must provide documentation showing successful completion of each course submitted, meeting the requirements of the 35 hours of project management education. It must include a certificate, from the company, Registered Education Provider (R.E.P), school, or institute that provided the training. No substitutions are accepted.

 Verifying Attained Education: To properly document the attained education, the applicant must include a certificate, transcript (official or unofficial), or diploma from the school of which the degree was earned.


In a case of the rare event that an audit comes sneaking upto you, do remember the following:

  1. Read thoroughly the instructions given in the response expected from audit
  2. Self-attest your degree certificate, 35 hours PDU certificate
  3. Take signatures of your referee (whose name you mentioned in the application) on all your project sheets… say you have submitted 3 different projects… take the sign of reporting manager (referee) independently on each of them… put each of them in different envelopes… take the sign of reporting manager on the seal of the envelope
  4. Place all the above in a large envelope and courier to PMI US office

It is actually as simple as it sounds

The best thing that you could do is discuss your application’s content with your referee during its initial submission itself so that you avoid any heartburns in case you face an audit. As a final word of caution, ensure that your referee(s) are available in the country for at least a month after you submit your application!

And this our action hero very well knows!

The next Act… Act II. “Stocking the right weaponry – Choosing the right training institute” follows….

Vidyesh has a rich Project Management experience in various Engineering and Construction companies and is presently mentoring PMP aspirants to achieve PMP certification. He, along with his co-author, Vidhi Raj, run an enriching blog https://winningpmplan.com/ that provides well-researched and practical tips for PMP exam takers and serves as a snapshot of their book on PMP study techniques “Winning Plan for PMP”.(Vidyesh is not affiliated with or compensated by Prothoughts, Rita’s or their publishers. His endorsement of the blog https://winningpmplan.com/ serves to promote the book “Winning Plan for PMP”)


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