Getting a Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification involves a substantial investment of time and money; hence the decision to invest in such a course means you’re in it for the long term. Having one of these in your CV holds incredible value and prestige to the Manager within the project management community. It is also highly respected within non-IT communities where strong project management skills are required. When certified managers oversee projects inside a business, the work environment as a whole improves. Juniors working with a PMP professional will pick up invaluable managerial knowledge. As a result, the work environment and project quality will increase, and other team members will benefit as well.
ProThoughts, a leading Management institute offers the PMP® Certification course which has the following uses.
It is always advantageous to hire PMP professionals if you are in charge of an organisation. Hiring a candidate who has earned the PMP certification will benefit your business because project management jobs are in great demand and are competitive.
• Confidence: Primarily, PMP® makes you believe in yourself as a Project Manager. The obvious result is that you know the job pretty well and it rubs on your customer. And the obvious result of this is that your own boss starts believing in you.
• Knowledge: You will be subject to mainstream thinking, current trends, industry standards and practices etc. Here you will be exposed to the tricks of the trade!
• Preferential treatment: Managers with a PMP® experience are most of the time preferred to those with no such qualification. With reference to the previous mentioned point, knowledge of your discipline gives you an edge over others, which shows in the selection process for a job or in the bid to a project you won.
• Business angle: The more matured is your organization’s business the more recognition and respect you can command in business. Clients find it easier to trust you and you find it easier to procure business.
• Showcases determination and drive: Learning anything new always showcases a certain aspect of your personality, i.e passion. To be passionate towards your work exhibits the fact that you’re a believer. A believer in change and in the fact that fate can be unwritten. Determination and drive are characteristic of believers; they are two qualities that will drive you towards progress and growth and ultimately, success.
To advance our careers, it’s crucial that we stand out from the crowd. An organisation and its employees will undoubtedly profit from PMP certification. Why not earn your PMP certification and land your ideal job? Earn your certification if it can offer you these many advantages and skills, and become the project manager that business needs. More people would benefit from your actions than you have read about here, for sure.