It is not a simple exam to clear the PMP exam. It's a 4-hour multiple-choice exam with 200 questions. To clear, you must answer 106 of the 200 questions right out of a total of 200. Candidates, on...
Project Management

Few PMP Tips To Get Certified At Affordable Cost!
If we compare the cost of knowledge, and education for today’s generation it may appear costly. After all, it depends on every individual’s perspective. Before comparison, nothing can truly be...

Essential Facts Every PMP Project Manager Should Know!
The most acclaimed and widely known qualification in today’s competitive world and education system is the PMP, or project management professional. Comparing it with other certified courses is a...

How to Earn Your PMP Degree – A Step-by-Step Approach!
An internationally recognized certificate is the PMP certification. This qualification proves the manager has the abilities needed to oversee a team and manage a project. This certification progra...

Best Tips for Striving PMP Course Aspirants!
Earning PMP certification is a major milestone towards growing a career in project management. To all those who have set their sight to make a difference through the PMP course aspirants, welcome ...

PMBOK – A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge
The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is a book compiling the rules, regulations, and project management guidelines. It is a guide that lists the project management best practices and sta...

8 Project Management Books to Succeed As A Project Manager!
Project management is a compound field that can be hard to find without the right assets. No matter your experience level, there are always ways to learn more and enhance your skills. If you're ju...

The Importance of Project Management Metrics?
Project managers must track their project's process, evaluating aspects such as resource capability, completed versus unfinished work, and diversion from the planning and organizing. So, The follo...

Corporate Training Benefits for Every Organization!
The employees are the lifeline of any organization. Helping them in developing their skills and knowledge is always the top priority. Corporate training benefits them to enhance their skills and h...

How To Build An Effective Project Team?
Every successful project requires a team that works together and complements aspects of one another. Simply bringing a group of people together isn't enough. Building the the right project team re...