PgMP Certification

PgMP VS MBA: What to choose as your next challenge?

PgMP VS MBA: What to choose as your next challenge?

If you're having trouble deciding between an MBA and a PgMP® (Program Management Professional Certification), we are here to help. We'll go through the distinctions between the two credentials...

Our Experiences with Program Management (PgMP) Certification Trainings

Our Experiences with Program Management (PgMP) Certification Trainings

Program Management Certification (PgMP) workshops have been around for a decade. Prothoughts have been doing PgMP Certification workshops for almost the last 5 years successfully.  ...

7 Key Skills Needed for Best PgMP Certified Program Manager

7 Key Skills Needed for Best PgMP Certified Program Manager

If we were to talk about Program Management, then the best example I could see is from the acclaimed Golden Globe Award winner movie "The Martian". If "The Martian" had been keen on getting...

How To Clear PgMP Certification Exam?

How To Clear PgMP Certification Exam?

PgMP Certification stands for Program Management Certification. The PgMP Certification is one of the elite certifications to pursue in the field of Project Management. Many people are aspiring to ...

My PgMP Certification Journey by Ashutosh Sharma

My PgMP Certification Journey by Ashutosh Sharma

My PgMP journey – Mr. Ashutosh Sharma         Hello everyone, My name is Ashutosh Sharma and I am a PMI certified Programme Manager. I would like to share my story of rea...

A Guide To Becoming The Best Program Manager

A Guide To Becoming The Best Program Manager

If we were to talk about PgMP then, if Vito Corleone, “The Godfather” from the infamous Godfather movies had been keen on getting a PgMP Certification, I’m sure he would classify as one o...

Michel Thiry material for Program Management Training

Michel Thiry material for Program Management Training

For those who already know, Michel Thiry is a pioneer in laying what is today called “Program Management”. He has been an invited and sought-after speaker in many project management conference...

PMI’s Program Management Professional (PgMP) certification!

PMI’s Program Management Professional (PgMP) certification!

In my international career spanning over two decades, I have seen many people finding it difficult to adjust to the world of program management. They typically graduate from project management dis...