Many people fail the exam because their preparation was faulty. You can avoid this mistake. One of the common asks from our participants we come across is “Give me more” – The more ...
PMP Certification
Why E-books are better than printed books?
E-Books are the new medium to read books. An e-book is an Electronic Book. With the entire community of workers working electronically, e-books are the preferred choice of reading books. The e-boo...
The Importance of PMP® Certification Training
If you are a practicing Project Manager, the Project Management Professional (PMP) credential from the Project Management Institute (PMI) is sure to accentuate your career in terms of your employabi...
Is Executive Learning of different management courses a waste of time?
I am almost certain that everyone agrees learning is a good habit. Everyone learns on daily basis or hourly basis from everyone around – be it their managers, teams, colleagues or family. Your k...
PMI®’s stand on Blatant Wrong Information, Mis-Representation and Piracy
Recently, PMI suspended 2 Indian REPs for either Blatant wrong information, mis-representation or Piracy issues. Who supports the piracy and who is impacted the most? You got it – The partici...
Is “Certified” Project Management valued in organizations?
Most will say No. “Certification only helps in making a good switch in jobs” is common retort from project managers. Another grouse is that “There is hardly anyone who practices the PMP c...
Rita Mulcahy 9th Edition VS PMBoK 6th Edition – Which is the best to study for PMP® Exam
A lot of first time students who wish to take the Project Management Professional PMP® Certification exam have this question – which is the best book to study for the PMP® Certificat...
PMP® Certification – Post Training Workshop Support – Why is it needed?
Every Project Management Professional (PMP)® aspirant looking for an institute who can support in getting certified should be considering the following: Institute is registered with PMI® to...
Guidelines for Choosing The Best Course In PMP® Training Certification Pune
This article is written with an aim to help any Project Management Professional PMP® aspirant thinking on 'how to select a good institute that can provide PMP® Certification Course in Pune to as...
A Secret For Your Success – ProThoughts PMP® Certification
ProThoughts is designed and conceptualized with a deep focus on project and portfolio management. The tagline of -ProThoughts is “Succeed with your Projects” and that’s what we achieve to help...