PMP Certification

Choosing a Right Institute for PMP® Exam Certification

Over the years, many participants become confused rather than enlightened after talking with many REPs – the partners of PMI®, on why they (REP) are the best to be considered for PMP® training. ...

Does Being A PMP® Really Help You In Your Career Prospects?

  A billion dollar question – every Project Management Professional(PMP)® aspirant has this big one on his mind before enrolling for the course and taking the shot at the exam. We generally...

Passing The PMP® Certification Exam – Is It Good Enough?

Absolutely Not – comes a firm reply. The idea of having a certificate is not to flash it as one of the feathers in the cap, but suggest that you can now handle a project better, say than a non -...

Can Failures Be Affordable In Project Management

I recently was invited as a speaker in the PMI® National conference in India, where there were more than 1000 attendees and some interesting speakers, some related to project management field and...

Do we really do Project Management?

  Do we really do any project management in IT? A good question, some might say, and it definitely gets a lot of people thinking. And more so, the project managers!! It is a direct question...