Recent Blogs

The Agile and Waterfall – Does PMBoK 6th Edition address Agile methodology?

Agile has become a new buzzword in the project management community and a lot of queries do come at ProThoughts...

The 21st Century Project Management Methodology – AGILE.

Agile, they say, were more or less invented along the same time with the scientific methods of Project Management, which...

Getting PMP Certified- Eureka moment of my life!

I am so glad that I achieved the feat, I was dreaming since last couple of years. Finally, accomplished it...

How I cleared my PMP with Above Target?

I passed my PMP exam on the 13th of June, with “Above Target”, at Prometric’s Mumbai Test center. The exam...

PMI Exam Center Changes in 2019

  Project Management Institute (PMI) regularly updates content, standard guide, exam content, and all the necessary required details to keep...

The 21st Century Project Management Methodology – Agile Manifesto, Agile Principles and 4 values)

AGILE – the new buzzword in project management. What does Agile stands for? Agile is the Adaptive methodology which got...

How did I achieve my PMP Certification after two failed attempts?

"The best feeling is when you receive a post from the USA with your name saying." The first thing to...

Is it ethical to sue over Copyright Infringement?

Anti-Piracy Laws and Policies: This article is written due to the widespread concerns on copyrighted content being downloaded and/or duplicated...

How I prepared my Journey towards PMP Certification?

My PMP Certification Journey below: My journey started when I realized that I needed to work on my Project Management...

Memoirs of the road towards PMP® Certification!

Preparation for PMP certification brought back memories of my college days. I have about 18+yrs of Work Experience in the...

PMI®-PDUs : Frequently Asked Questions?

A list of frequently asked questions for project management certified holders: What are PDUs? PDUs stands for Professional Development Units....

How to report on PMI®- PDUs for Project Management Certifications?

You are now familiar with how to earn the PDUs. That was easy, isn’t it? Now the next step –...

What are the different ways to Earn PMI- PDUs?

Our expert always believes that earning PDUs and maintaining your PMP® Certificate is one of the easiest jobs as compared...

Microsoft Project and PMBOK® Knowledge -The Process Areas!

MSP is not a substitute for sound and robust project management cutting across all PMBOK®  process areas and Knowledge Areas....

Project Management using MS Project 2016

MS Project 2016 is a Project Portfolio Management Solution for an enterprise offering wide-ranging capabilities from individual Project and Program...

Back to books!! My Journey towards PMP® Certification

I had been working for the past 12+ years and the thought of going back to books and reading thick...

Maximising value of PMP Certification with MS Project Certification

Acquiring PMP certification is Maximising value from PMP certification through its application using MSPs a self-fulfilling experience in itself that...

What’s in store for 5th Edition PMBoK participants who need to appear on PMBoK 6th Edition Exam?

Mar 26th – The Deadline for 5th PMBoK exam. The last day when you any PMBoK 5th edition trained participant...

Who should consider Project Management as a career?

Any successful organisation must have a strong project management team. Project management can be a fulfilling career choice due to...

PMP Certification Journey: An average student like me!

  First of all, I would like to say that I am NOT a studious person at all. I am...
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